On 31st of January 2015, the Old Scouts of Royal College went on the first ever Old Scouts’ Trip to the Academy of Adventure at Bellihuloya. Old Scouts from various batches went on the trip and mixed with each other as the brothers of one Scout Troop whilst forgetting all their differences. We are pretty sure that everyone who joined the trip would testify that it was more than a trip; it was indeed two full days of pleasure, stress relief and intellectual discussions harnessing the brotherhood in our own way. The old scouts not only got a chance to relive the golden old days – camping in tents and chatting around the camp fire – but also were treated to authentic Sri Lankan cuisine and an assortment of outbound activities, including a flying fox, a wall climb and kayaking.

Our special thanks goes to Scout Dr. Sandun Perera, who was instrumental in arranging a fabulous place for this event at an affordable rate and the Academy of Adventure for their generous and professional support given to us. Further, this would not have been a success but for the untiring and continuous efforts of the organizing committee lead by Scout Asiri Liyanage.

We urge the Brother Scouts who missed the trip this time, not to be disappointed. We will take every endeavour to make the trip an annual event so that you can catch what you missed this time!

Categories: Old ScoutsTrip

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