The Annual General Meeting of the Royal College Old Scouts Association was held on 5th July 2014 at the White Board Lecture Theatre of the College.

The President of the RCOSA welcomed the members and the secretary made a presentation on the activities conducted by the RCOSA during the past year. The new office bearers including, the President, Secretary and Treasurer and the Committee members were appointed at the AGM. The new office bearers are as follows,

President Mayuka Ranasinghe
Secretary Isuru Nanayakkara
Treasurer Asiri Liyanage
Vice President Pasan Jayakody
Assistant Secretary Pavithra Nandasena
Assistant Treasurer Santhush Weeraman
Committee Members Aravinda Wickramasinghe
Chandrakeerthi Wijesekera
Lakshitha Ranasinghe
Dhammika Ranasinghe
Dinesh Vidyarathna
Wedisha Gankanda
Madhura Jayarathna
Supun Jayalath
Muditha Bandara
Ishan Rathnapala
Samitha Wanasinghe

The new President briefed his plans to the audience of Old Scouts and solicited for their continuous support during the coming years. He also thanked the outgoing committee for the job well-done and wished best of luck in all their future endeavours.

Categories: Old Scouts

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