The Personal Performances Elevator Programme is one of the latest initiatives of the Scouters’ Council of 42nd Colombo, Gold Troop. The main objective of carrying out this programme is, to give a better understanding about the game of life to the young Royal Scouts, so that they would ready be to face the real game of life when they move from school to the civil society in the future. The first one to one counseling session under the Personal Performances Elevator Programme was held on 12th October 2011 at Royal College Premises. 32 Junior Scouts & 4 Instructors underwent the counseling sessions, which were mainly focused at improving their academic performances, creating interest to take part in sports, clubs & societies & applying for prefectship & stewardship. The Panel of Counselors comprised of Old Scouts of Gold Troop from different eras & we wish to thank all of them for rendering their service to their alma mater.

Categories: Scouting

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